Sunday 2 February 2014

Urban Reign Cheats

Urban Reign


    - To activate any of the following cheats, simply input the button commands
      listed next to the desired cheat. This can only be done at the Urban
      Reign title screen (before the loading screen where you choose which file
      you want to load).

    - If you entered the code correctly, you will see an exclamation mark in the
      upper left or upper right corner of the title screen and hear a sound as
      confirmation of the correct code entry.

    - Most of these codes work. I know that some of them do not seem to work,
      so if anyone has the correct set of buttons for a particular code, post it       in your comment, so I can correct it. Credit will be given to you for doing      so.

Co-op Play Unlocked (Story/Free Modes): L2, R2, O, O, Triangle, L2, R1

All Fighters Unlocked: R1, R2, X, Left, Right, Square, Square, Square, Square, L1, Square, Triangle, O

All Weapons Unlocked: L1, R1, X, X, Triangle, R1, R1, Triangle, Square, X, R1

Free Mode Unlocked: L1, R1, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, L2, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Right

Challenge Mode Unlocked: L2, R2, Triangle, Right, Left, Up, Up, Right, R2, R2, R2, O

Same Fighter Select (Multi-player Mode): R2, R2, Square, Square, X, R2, L1, Up, Down, Up, Up, Up, Circle, O, Triangle, O

*Free Mode Play with Initial Weapons: L1, R1, L2, R2, L2, O, R2, Up, R2, R2, O, X, R1

*This means that characters who have initial weapons (like Shinkai and his
Katana) will start any Free Mode mission with their initial weapons.

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